Completed Projects

Projects Completed Projects

18 MT LPG Road Tanker

Location: Mongla, Bangaladesh

1 X 2500 Mt LPG Storage Tank And Bottling Plant

Location: Mongla, Bangaladesh

4 X 1500 Mt LPG Horton Sphere Storage Tank And Bottling Plant

Location: Sitakundu, Chittagong, Bangaladesh

6 X 50 Mt LPG Storage Tank And Bottling Plant

Location: Bousia, Meghna, Bangaladesh

4 X 200 Mt LPG Storage Tank And Bottling Plant

Location: Batiaghata, Khulna, Bangaladesh

2 X 2500 Mt Propane Horton Sphere Storage Tank And Bottling Plant

Location: Sitakundu, Chittagong, Bangaladesh

1 X 2500 MT LPG Horton Sphere Storage Tank And Bottling Plant

Location: Mongla, Bangaladesh

18 MT LPG Road Tanker

lOCATION: Chittagong, Bangaladesh

Steel Authority of India 100 mt X 4 Ammonia Plant


JSW Steel Ltd. Jetty

lOCATION: Jaigrah Port, India

80000 M3 Gasholder For Jindal Steel & Power

Jindal Steel & Power 1710 TPD Oxygen Plant


Inox Air Prducts 300 M3 Storage High Pressure

Yara International 150 M3 Double Wall Storage Tank Tata Steel


Cryogenic Tanks with Filling Station

Pentair Water Treatment 50 Mt X 2 Co2 Plant


Process Vessel

Dosing Tanks Reliance

lOCATION: Tamilnadu, India